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Episode 144.
A Conversation with Photographer, Anna Szczur.
Anna is a Photographer, an Arc’teryx Alberta Ambassador, and an ER Nurse, among many other things.
In this episode we discuss: the 5am club, car camping, the Grand Canyon, good distractions, did sports or sports photography come first, blur, river surfing, authenticity, photo journalism, good portraits, Anna’s favourite type of pictures to take, never saying no to an opperutunity, and how to operate a camera in the cold.
This Episode, and previous episodes of the Nowhere Fast Podcast can be found here:
Nowhere Fast is an Ongoing Branding Experiment.
We do a lot of stuff here, at least we try to…
Two of the things we’re most consistent with are:
We release a weekly audio-only Podcast. (Mondays at 12:01am MST)
We also publish a weekly Newsletter. (Thursdays at 12:01am MST)
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