You insist on giving me power I don't have. All these people on this "Rainbows and Unicorns" thread likely just brushed it off and forgot about it, but not you. That's actually GOOD. You're ONE that has a strong conscience, the type I seek out but rarely find. A diamond in the rough sort of speak. I plant seeds but I can't make them grow. If you need to call me a Troll or anything else, that's fine. I'm not sorry that I see things differently. I am neurodivergent. Although we are still a minority, our numbers are growing. The Human Species needs to evolve. The OLD keeps repeating, we're stuck in a hamster wheel of self-perpetuated suffering and eventually self destruction on a massive scale when resources have been depleted. Wars will break out everywhere, mother nature will put her two cents in the mix, crazy leaders will let loose "The Destroyer of Worlds" and 8+ billion people will be reduced greatly or wiped out completely. Oh well, lol! Who cares about a future we won't exist in, right? Really stupid. "Worry is preposterous." - Terrence McKenna - HAVE FUN!

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Tipping of the outhouse should no cause any damage. If done right you would lay it over and if possible, cover the hole with it. Uuuhm ,so I’ve heard!

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brings back great memories!

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Agree! I remember in Louisiana rolling our church’s youth leader’s yard one year. We loved Gary a lot and did it as a sign of affection. We were genuinely puzzled when it irritated him! 😂 Good times back then!

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In the south, we call it rolling. I am surprised that you left out one of the most iconic rolling traditions, the rolling of Toomer's Oaks at Auburn University. Thousands of people descend on the center of town to roll the trees and everything else after football wins and other big athletic wins. The tradition started back in the 60s. FYI, Scott tp is the best for rolling as it is more durable and cost-effective.

Here is a video about the tradition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpIQ_zrQ39k

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Loved the article, but I have to disagree with the date range cited as the beginning of TP-ing. I remember cleaning up my yard and actively participating in the prank in the late-60’s.

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I'm from Charlotte and I agree. I also agree with M Palmer that "rolling" was the term we used in the south.

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What century are you living in? The amount of resources used to make TP is astounding! Toilet paper is now expensive, at least for those like me who exist in the LOWER rung of the socioeconomic ladder (by CHOICE). And it's ludicrous and irresponsible to push this old custom into the 21st century. Minimalism and NO WASTE (which TPing clearly is!) should be this century's message. Shame on you. Stop wasting resources clearly because YOU CAN and pushing it on others to do the same.

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Calm down boomer. Children aren’t reading this article to get ideas on mischief! 😂😂 it’s OK to let go of your pearls…

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Hush up adult child. Children don't buy the toilet paper. It's okay to voice any opinion I want regardless of your tantrums.

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My tantrum? 😂😂😂 Look in the mirror! You are the one writing strangers in an attempt to shame them for their fond memories! Do you think it’s your job to virtue signal by shaming others? It’s neither virtuous nor noble. It’s just sad. You’re hiding behind your keyboard because you can’t say in person to people what you say online. Stop it and go touch some grass.Find your bliss elsewhere! 😂

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Yes, your tantrum. People Shame themselves by their actions and in-actions, apathy, biases... Virtue signal? Lol! What has virtue have to do with personal responsibility? Hiding? I don't "hide". As you can see I display my TRUE face and my full, true name next to my comment and am my authentic self and feel no need to "hide". Not one other person in this comment section and many others on other comment sections show their true face or full name. Once, LONG AGO, the young respected and listened to the teachings of their elders ... now they listen to nothing and no one except themselves, do things detrimental to themselves, others and the planet. No, I won't stop. Try telling mother nature to stop causing flooding, land slides, tornados, hurricanes, eruptions ... and sweeping away all the hoarded crap encased in people's tombs they call homes. Yeah, real "Blissful" to watch them hoard toilet paper during the Covid lockdown. We're ALL behind a keyboard and speak our minds, lol! I won't tell you to stop it, I have no control over anyone. My comments are merely seeds planted here and there in hopes that some grow. I never kid myself and hope that most will evolve as I know that will never happen. It's too difficult so only the bravest and least narcissistic will even attempt to. So yeah, stay in the shallow end of the pool and as ignorant and apathetic as you want, that's the freedom of choice. "Grass", lol! Humans are great at wasting resources for those aesthetic patches as well. #1 Apex Predator and #1 Invasive Species, yet humans are on neither list. That displays the arrogance and narcissism of humans blind to their own destruction.

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I dunno. When I was younger I guess we were responsible enough to buy our own toilet paper in order to partake in the entertainment. And we had some fairly spectacular wrappings. Colors and all!

So perhaps if your children are taking your hard earned TP, I can understand being upset. Perhaps that's more an issue with them though in either not wanting to get caught, or not having the vision to get their own money and their own responsibility for entertainment!

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I'm not interested in your pride in being wasteful at anyone or anything's expense for your morbid "entertainment". Try rock climbing, it's much more challenging. Besides, your so-called reasoning is shallow and wrong. It's not a "personal" problem, it's a entire human species problem and it's not just toilet paper. I get the selfish, self-serving antics of those who start out in the shallow end of the pool and stay there and never evolve. The last time I said "Americans need to be made uncomfortable", Covid happened. Now I'm saying it again. What would change their reality tunnels more than Covid did? War on U.S. soil ... nukes flying ... TP those. That's entertainment! lol!

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You are an odd bird. Of all the things that happen in the world, and all the asinine decisions that people with power do, I am pretty confident in the idea that teenage antics are not anywhere close on the scale of causing the downfall of society as you seem to think.

Is that just because it's easier to protest in environments like this and spout your ephemeral wisdom trying to break down others just having a good time? Did you not have an interesting childhood?

While your worldly views and ideas of humans as predators and invasive are not wrong, this is really not the appropriate forum to enact any sort of change. So if all you are going to do is put down others having fun instead of finding a productive way to channel your views in order to actually enact change, I would suggest going elsewhere...

Just my two cents worth.

Guess I'll just play in the shallow end for a while, because the deep end is where the drain is. Good luck!

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You certainly have the right to your "two cents". So do I. To me you are just another wasteful person supporting wasteful things, nothing more. You're named after toilet paper, you should go TP a tree with yourself, lol. Good luck.

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Get over yourself

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Get over being wasteful.

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I think the world will survive a fresh round of TPing. Don't feel obligated to participate.

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You ... think? lol!

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Right on! I doubt very much that the kids are buying the TP.

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Exactly. Clearly those with the most (and not necessarily "rich") are incapable of Evolving past their own selfish reality tunnels they push on others. This is why humans exist in a hamster wheel rinsing and repeating everything ... like movie franchises part ? or remakes times ? History repeats, because humans repeat. Humans pass on their Wars (small to huge), bad habits, weaknesses, imperfections, willful ignorance, apathy, biases ... to their children like it's a relay race of "Winners" going nowhere remotely close to truly *different*. There's nothing new under the sun until the newbies arrive on Earth and everything is NEW only to them ... rinse, repeat ... hamster wheel. They call it the Human Condition and according to Nonduality, humans are capable of only one thing ... Maintaining Balance and as a whole species we're not very good at that.

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You're right! Those who forget the lessons of the past are condemned to repeat it.

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I'd rather be wrong. But yeah, we're STUCK in the wheel of perpetual non-evolution and are nowhere near balance. I'm thinking a few billion more people and the scales tip to human evil's conquest and the nukes will be released unto the world. Who knows, Putin might do it sooner. Imagine all the dumbfounded dipshits (stole that from the Tool song "Aenima") ... Mom's gonna put it back the way it all began ... Mother Nature is the only feminine force these screwballs can't control. She's already wrecking people's lives on a regular basis. So if some weak human doesn't release the nukes, Mother Nature will eventually shove them all up the human species' behinds along with everything else their brilliant minds have created. The TPing people would LOVE this and call it "entertainment", lol!

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This was a popular prank back in the '70's and '80's. Toilet paper was cheap then. My husband and I were youth directors at a church in Austin, and we had our house TP'd by our youth group. We considered it an honor and sign of their affection of us. Of course, it is a pain to clean up. I would not recommend it today, because of the price of toilet paper.

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No mention of another age-old Halloween tradition: soaping windows. 🤷‍♂️

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It's literally mentioned in the second paragraph?

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Bringing back or encouraging TPing homes is about as thoughtful as encouraging any other vandalism. I’m gobsmacked that anyone would even suggest encouraging any level of vandalism. Good grief. We need to encourage better behavior in young people not foolish and in most places illegal behavior .

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Ok boomer

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Totally agree with you! There are so many ways kids can have fun. Shouldn't even consider TP-ing one of them. Also, very inconsiderate of neighbors' yards when wind blows the debris around. Do not the kids of today, who seem to be obsessed with the environment and the need for trees, realize toilet paper is made from trees (or sometimes other plant fibers).

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Exactly what I was going to say. Like all forms of paper, toilet paper is made from the pulp of trees. It's made for one purpose only, to wipe ourselves off after we use the toilet bowl. If it's used for foolish purposes, like throwing it all over someone's house, or over trees, bushes, shrubs, etc, as a sick joke, then the paper is wasted. Wasted paper means wasted trees, which means fewer and fewer trees to trap bad air and release good air. If there's more bad air than good air, that leads to more pollution, more Climate Change, and more Global Warming. Thus, the world gets hotter, which leads to extreme weather changes (hurricanes, typhoons, flash flooding, etc), crop failures (because now, the earth is too dry), and wildfires (which are NOT caused by laser beams created by Jewish scientists, despite what that crazy MAGA Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia would have us all believe).

If this keeps up, the world will soon become too uninhabitable, not just for plant and animal life, but for HUMAN LIFE AS WELL!

Do we really want to risk destroying the earth (WHICH IS THE ONLY PLANET WE'VE GOT) because certain individuals want to play a supposedly "harmless prank" just to get their jollies off, or because of some idiotic and/or outdated "tradition"? The environment is bad enough as it is, and it's going to get worse if Donald Trump and his MAGA maniacs end up taking over the government, because, as is laid out in their despicable Project 2025 plan, they intend to do away with all environmental laws and all government agencies created to enforce those laws, just to curry the favor of rich, powerful, and corrupt corporations, especially the ones who insist on drilling and drilling for more oil and other fossil fuels that are contributing to the environmental crisis, instead of looking for alternative sources of energy, even though such energies are better for the environment, and will create more businesses and more jobs. But of course the corporate big-shots don't care about that, because they think fossil fuels are more profitable.

In other words, every time someone TPs another house, tree, bush, shrub, etc, that someone is playing right into the hands of those who would destroy Mother Earth in the name of capitalistic greed, which puts more money into the pockets of selfish big business bosses and their equally corrupt cronies in Washington, DC, who would rather listen to Wall Street than to Main Street, and who, like Donald Trump and company, would think nothing of replacing American democracy with corporatism, which Benito Mussolini, history's first Fascist dictator, said could be another word for FASCISM!





RIGHT ON!!!! 👍👍👍👍


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Thanks for making this weird.

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Who's making this weird?

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